Quicksand Valley course:
Earn gold cups on courses one to six. A new snowboard and the Quicksand
Valley desert track will now be available.
Ninja Land course:
Earn a gold cup on the "Silver Mountain" bonus course.
Silver Mountain course:
Earn a gold cup on the "Quicksand Valley" bonus course. This will also
enable a special ending sequence will all characters.
Play as Shinobin:
Earn a gold cup on the "Ninja Land" bonus course.
All snowboards, characters, and courses:
Press Analog-stick Down, Analog-stick Up, Down, Up, C-Down, C-Up, L,
R, Z, Left, C-right, Analog-stick Up, B, Right, C-Left, Start on the starting
screen. Nancy will laugh to confirm entry. Or, press Analog-stick Up, Analog-stick
Down, Down, Up, C-Down, C-Up, L, R, Z, Left, C-right, Analog-stick Up,
B, Right, C-Left, Start at the starting screen.
Slash's moves:
Banzai bash: Analog-stick Left, Analog-Stick Right
Spin: Analog-stick Up, Analog-stick Down, Analog-stick Up
Dynamite: Analog-stick Right, Analog-stick Left, Analog-stick Right,
Analog-stick Left